General Terms & Conditions for Accommodation
Article 1. Scope of Application
- Contracts for Accommodation and related agreements to be entered into between this Hotel and Guest to be accommodated shall be subject to these General Terms & Conditions for Accommodation. Any matter not provided for herein shall be governed by laws and regulations, and/or generally accepted practices.
- In the case where the Hotel has entered into a special contract with the Guest insofar as such special contract does not violate laws and regulations and generally accepted practices, notwithstanding the preceding Paragraph, the special contract shall prevail.
Article 2. Application for Accommodation Contracts
- A Guest who intends to make an application for an Accommodation Contract with the Hotel shall notify the Hotel of the following particulars:
- Name of Guest(s);
- Date of accommodation and estimated time of arrival;
- Accommodation charges (based, in principle, on the Basic Accommodation Charges listed in the Attached Table No.1); and
- Other information considered necessary by the Hotel.
- In the case where the Guest requests, during his/her stay, an extension of the accommodation beyond the date described in the preceding Paragraph 1, Item (2) above, the Hotel shall handle his/her request as a new application for an Contract for Accommodation which has been made at the point in time when the said request has been made.
Article 3. Conclusion of Accommodation Contract and related agreement
- A Contract for Accommodation shall be deemed to have been concluded when the Hotel has dully accepted the application as stipulated in the preceding Article. However, the same shall not apply when it has been proven that the Hotel has not accepted the application.
- When a Contract for Accommodation has been concluded in accordance with the provisions of the preceding Paragraph, the Guest is requested to pay an accommodation deposit prescribed by the Hotel within the limits of the accommodation charges covering the Guest’s entire period of stay (3 days when period of stay exceeds 3 days) by the date set by the Hotel.
- The accommodation deposit shall be first allotted for the total accommodation charges to be paid by the Guest, then secondly for the cancellation charges under Article 6 and thirdly for the compensation under Article 18 as applicable, and the balance, if any, shall be repaid at the time of the payment of the accommodation charges as provided in Article 12.
- When the Guest has failed to pay the accommodation deposit as stipulated in Paragraph 2 by the dates set by the Hotel, the Accommodation Contract shall become invalid, but limited only to the case where the Hotel has notified the Guest to that effect at the time when prescribing the day due for payment of the accommodation deposit.
Article 4. Special Contracts Requiring No Accommodation Deposit
- Notwithstanding the provision of the preceding Article, Paragraph 2, the Hotel may enter into a special contract which does not require accommodation deposit as stipulated in the same Paragraph after the conclusion of the Contract.
- In the case where the Hotel has not requested the payment of the accommodation deposit as stipulated in the preceding Article, Paragraph 2 and/or has not specified the due date for payment of the accommodation deposit at the same time the application for an Accommodation Contract has been accepted, the Hotel shall be treated as having accepted a special contract prescribed in the preceding Paragraph.
Article 5. Refusal of Accommodation Contracts
- The Hotel may not accept the conclusion of an Accommodation Contract under any of the following cases:
- When the application for accommodation does not confirm to provisions of these General Terms & Conditions for Accommodation;
- When there is no room available due to full occupancy;
- When the Guest seeking accommodation is considered likely to behave in violation of the provisions of the ordinance, public order or good public morals in regard to his/her accommodation;
- When the Guest seeking accommodation is considered to be a member of or be linked to a crime syndicate, organized crime groups or any antisocial organizations;
- When the Guest seeking accommodation can be considered as a corporation or other organization of which business activities are under control of a crime syndicate or organized crime groups;
- When the Guest seeking accommodation is a corporate or other organization which its director is considered to be a member of an organized crime syndicate;
- When the Guest seeking accommodation has used violence in making demands of accommodation facilities or its employees;
- When the Guest seeking accommodation can be clearly considered as carrying an infectious disease;
- When the Hotel is unable to provide accommodation due to act of God, malfunction of the facilities and/or other unavoidable causes;
- When the Guest seeking accommodation is considered to behave in a manner that will trouble other Guests of this Hotel or behaves in such a manner, due to intoxications or other causes or when the provisions of the Enforcement Ordinance for the Aichi Prefectural Hotel Business Law is applicable;
- When the Guest seeking accommodation is considered to constitute a nuisance to other Guests because of conspicuously unclean personal appearance or clothing;
- When it is considered that the Guest seeking accommodation has no financial ability to pay for the services;
- When a burden exceeding a reasonable range was required in terms of accommodation; or
- When it is feared that the Guest seeking accommodation is carrying hazardous material, prohibited items and other alike which may cause of disturbance to other Hotel Guests.
Article 6. Right to cancel Accommodation Contracts by the Guest
- The Guest may request the Hotel to cancel the Accommodation Contracts.
- In the case where the Guest has cancelled the Accommodation Contract in whole part or in part due to causes attributable to the Guest (except in the case where the Hotel has requested the payment of the accommodation deposit by prescribing the date due for such payment under the provision of Article 3, Paragraph 2 and the Guest has cancelled before such payment), the Guest shall pay cancellation charges as specified in the attached Table No.2.
- In the case where the Guest does not arrive by 8 p.m. on the accommodation date without informing the Hotel of a delay (or after the lapse of 2 hours past the scheduled time of arrival if indicated by the Guest beforehand), the Accommodation Contract concerned may be considered to have been cancelled by the Guest and will be handled accordingly.
Article 7. Right to Cancel Accommodation Contracts by the Hotel
- The Hotel may cancel the Accommodation Contract under any of following cases*
- When the Guest seeking accommodation is considered likely and/or has conducted himself/herself to behave in violation of the provisions of the ordinance, public order or good public morals in regard to his/her accommodation;
- When a guest can be clearly considered as carrying an infectious disease;
- When the Hotel is unable to provide accommodation due to the natural calamities and/or other unavoidable causes;
- When the Guest is considered to be a member of or be linked to a crime syndicate, organized crime groups or any antisocial organizations;
- When a corporate company or an organization is considered to be under control of a crime syndicate of organized crime group(s) in its business activities;
- When the Guest is a corporate or other organization which its director is considered to be a member of an organized crime syndicate;
- When the Guest has used violence in making demands of the accommodation facilities or its employees;
- When the Guest is considered to behave in a manner that will trouble other Guests of this Hotel or behaves in such a manner, due to intoxications or other causes or when the provisions of the Enforcement Ordinance for the Aichi Prefectural Hotel Business Law is applicable;
- When the Guest is considered to constitute a nuisance to other Guests because of conspicuously unclean personal appearance or clothing;
- When the Guest does not observe the rules prohibiting certain actions specified under the Hotel Rules stipulated by the Hotel (restricted to prohibitions deemed necessary in order to prevent fires), such as smoking in the Hotel and mischief to the fire-fighting facilities;
- When it is considered that the Guest has no financial ability to pay for the services;
- When it is considered that the Guest is carrying hazardous material, prohibited items and others alike which may cause disturbance to other Hotel guests;
- When a burden exceeding a reasonable range was required in terms of accommodation
- When the Guest otherwise fails to abide by the Hotel Rules established by the Hotel: or
- When the Guest does not abide by the General Terms & Conditions for Accommodation in ways other than those indicated above.
- In the case when the Hotel has cancelled the Accommodation Contract in accordance with the preceding Paragraph, the Hotel shall not be entitled to charge the Guest for any of the services which he/she has not received.
Article 8. Registration of Accommodation
- The Guest shall register the following particulars at the front desk of the Hotel on the day of accommodation:
- Name, age, sex, address and occupation of the Guest(s);
- Except in the case of Japanese national, nationality, passport number, port and date of entry in Japan;
- Date and estimated time of departure; and
- Other particulars considered necessary by the Hotel.
- In the case where the Guest is not Japanese national and does not hold home address in Japan, such Guest will be requested to submit a copy of their passport.
- In the case of where the Guest intends to pay his/her accommodation charges described in Article 12 by any means other than cash in Japanese currency, such as coupons or credit card, such means of payment shall be shown in advance at the time of the registration prescribed in the preceding Paragraph.
Article 9. Occupancy Hours of Guest Rooms
- The Guest is entitled to occupy the contracted guest room of the Hotel from 4 p.m. on the day of registration until 11 a.m. on the day of departure.
- The Hotel may, notwithstanding the provision of the preceding Paragraph, accept the Guest to use the guest room beyond the check-out time prescribed in the same Paragraph subject to the availability. In this case, extra charges shall be paid as follows:
- Up to 6 hours: 50% of the room charge
- More than 6 hours: 100% of the room charge
Article 10. Compliance of Hotel Rules
The Guest shall be required to comply with the Hotel Rules established by the Hotel, which are posted inside the premises of the Hotel.
Article 11. Business Hours
- The business hours of the principal facilities, etc. of the Hotel are as follows, and those of other facilities, etc. shall be notified in detail in the brochures as provided in the Hotel, notices displayed at various places, service directories in each guest room etc.
- Service Hours of Front Desk and Cashier
24 hours
Front Service
24 hours
Exchange Service
not provided
- The service hours described in the preceding Paragraph may be changed temporarily for unavoidable reasons, in which case the Guest will be notified by proper means.
Article 12. Payment of Accommodation Charges
- The breakdown of the Accommodation Charges, etc. payable by the Guest shall be as listed in the attached Table No.1.
- Accommodation charges, etc. as stated in the preceding Paragraph shall be paid at the front desk at the time of the Guest’s departure or upon request by the Hotel in Japanese currency or by other means acceptable by the Hotel, such as coupons or credit card.
- In the case that the Guest has not stayed at the Hotel at his/her discretion even after we have offered the guest room to the Guest and made it available for him/her to use, the accommodation charge will still be charged.
Article 13. Liabilities of the Hotel
- The Hotel shall compensate the Guest for damage if the Hotel has caused such damage to the Guest in the fulfillment or the nonfulfillment of the Accommodation Contract and/or related agreements. However, the same shall not apply in case where such damage has been caused due to reasons not attributable to the Hotel.
- The Hotel is covered by a Liability Insurance in order to cope with unexpected fires and/or other disasters.
Article 14. Handling when unable to provide Contracted Rooms
- The Hotel shall, when becomes unable to provide contracted room(s), arrange accommodation of the same standard elsewhere for the Guest insofar as possible with the consent of the Guest.
- Notwithstanding the provision of the preceding Paragraph, in cases where the Hotel is unable to offer other accommodation facilities to the Guest, the Hotel shall pay to him/her a compensation charges equivalent to the penalty, which will be applied to the amount of the compensable damage. However, in cases where there is no cause attributable to the Hotel for not being able to offer the guest room, the Hotel shall not pay the compensation charge.
Article 15. Handling of Checked Articles
- The Hotel shall be liable for loss of or destruction of the possessions of Guests (including the case of custody of the Hotel) only if such loss or destruction is the result of willful or gross negligence by the Hotel. The Hotel shall be liable to the Guest for the loss of, or damage to the possessions of the Guest up to the maximum amount of the fair market value of such possessions or JPY150,000, whichever is lower.
- The Hotel does not keep money, negotiable instruments, jewelry, important documents and any other item which has substantial monetary value. The Hotel shall be liable to the Guest for the loss or damage of such valuable up to the maximum amount of JPY150,000 when using the Safety Box inside the Guest Room(s) if such loss or destruction is the result of willful or gross negligence by the Hotel.
Article 16. Custody of Baggage and/or Belongings of the Guest
- When the baggage of the Guest is brought into the Hotel before his/her arrival, the Hotel shall be liable to keep and to hand it over to the Guest at the front desk at the time of his/her check-in only if the Hotel has agreed to do so in advance.
- When the baggage or belongings of Guest are found left behind after his/her check-out, the item shall be kept by the Hotel for a certain period of time and after that be handled according to the law.
- Liability of the Hotel for the custody of the baggage or belongings of the Guest is confirming to the provisions of the preceding Article.
Article 17. Liability in regard to Parking
Since there is no parking lot that belongs to this Hotel, the Hotel will not bear any responsibility for vehicles of Guest(s).
Article 18. Liability of the Guest
- In the event that the Hotel suffers any damage, including but not limited to loss of income, as a result of the suspension of room sales, due to the willful misconduct or negligence of a Guest, the Guest shall be liable to compensate the Hotel for the full extent of such damage.
- Smoking, including the use of e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products, is strictly prohibited throughout the Hotel except in designated smoking areas. If smoking is detected within the hotel premises, a cleaning fee of 20,000 yen for smoking in guest rooms and 50,000 yen for smoking in public areas will be charged. However, if the actual damage suffered by the Hotel exceeds the stated fee, the Guest shall be liable for the full amount of the actual damage incurred.
Article 19. Waiver
Guests are liable for any use of computer communication services from within the Hotel. The Hotel cannot be held liable for any possible damage that may be caused by a systems failure or any other reasons while the computer communication services are being used. In addition, the Guest may be required to compensate the Hotel and third parties for any possible damage caused by acts that we judge to be an inappropriate use of our computer communication systems.
Article 20. Governing Language
These terms are provided in both Japanese and English. In case of discrepancy between the Japanese and the English, the Japanese version shall prevail.
Article 21. Jurisdiction and Applicable Laws
Litigation arising from the Terms & Conditions for Accommodation Contract will be exclusively resolved in the courts in the jurisdiction of the Hotel and in accordance with Japanese law.
Table No.1: Break down of Accommodation Charges, etc. (Ref. Paragraph 1 of Article 2 and Paragraph 1 of Article 12)
Total Amount to be paid by the Guest
Accommodation Charge
(1) Basic Accommodation Charge (Room Charge (or Room Charge plus Meal & Drink Charge and other expenses in a contract)
(2) Service Charge {(1) X 10%}
Extra Charge
(3) Meals & Drink and Other Expenses
(4) Service Charge {(3) X 10%}
Consumption Tax, etc.
Remarks: Those charges are subject to charge revisions of the Tax Laws concerned.
General Terms and Conditions for Accommodation at the time of conclusion of the Accommodation Contract shall apply to Accommodation Contracts concluded prior to the revision of these General Terms and Conditions, thus, service charges mentioned in (2) above are not adopted.
Table No.2: Cancellation and Charges (Ref. Paragraph 2 of Article 6)
Date when Cancellation of Contract is Notified
Contracted Number
of Rooms
Accommodation Day
1 Day Prior to Accommodation Day
2-7 Days Prior to Accommodation Day
8-20 Days Prior to Accommodation Day
1-9 Rooms
10~24 Rooms
25 Rooms or More
- The percentage signify the rate of cancellation to the Basic Accommodation Charges. For “Package” accommodations, these rates apply to the full amount of the packages.
- In the event that the contracted number of days shortened, a penalty of 100% per day (equivalent to the first day) will be charged in addition to the actual accommodation fee, regardless of the number of days shortened.
- When part of a group booking (for 10 rooms or more) is cancelled, the cancellation charge shall not be charged for the number of rooms equivalent to 10% (in case of fractional numbers, rounded down) of the number of rooms booked as of 10 days prior to the occupancy (when accepted less than 10 days to the occupancy, as of days the occupancy, as of days the date).
Additional Clause
Enforcement of this General Terms & Conditions for Accommodation is effective on 25 April 2019. Provided, however, that “(2) Service Charge {(1) X 10%}” of the Accommodation Charge and “(4) Service Charge {(3) X 10%}” of the Extra Charge as stipulated in “Table No.1: Break down of Accommodation Charges, etc. (Ref. Paragraph 1 of Article 2 and Paragraph 1 of Article 12)” shall become effective on 1 May 2019. Date of accommodation is used as the basis for Accommodation Contract. Please be advised that this General Terms & Conditions for Accommodation is subject to change without notice. If any change is made to the content of the General Terms & Conditions for Accommodation, the revised General Terms & Conditions for Accommodation will only be applicable to the contract agreement executed after such change.